One thing that I noticed in the Quinnipiac poll from yesterday is that Bernie does really well among people who are not engaged with the race yet and his voters sharply drop with voters who are already engaged, but Warren is absolutely killing it with voters who are engaged with the race. My strong suspicion is that people who would be inclined to vote for Sanders are tuning in and realizing that they like her more.

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Warren is going to keep eating more of Bernie’s pie. She’s a less harsh, more creative voice for a lot of similar progressive ideas. I think Bernie will start to fall behind when the debates begin.

I do think there are serious questions in the DEM camp about Warren’s ability to win the presidency, and that will drive a lot of people to begrudgingly support Biden.

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YouGov doesn't get included here for some reason? https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/democratic_nomination_polls/

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